Hire a Shower: Ten Weirdest Baths Around the World

Hire a Shower: Ten Weirdest Baths Around the World

Did know you can hire a shower? Most people are au fait with the idea of portable toilet hire but shower hire hasn’t reached the same level of public consciousness as the good old portable toilet. We’re very proud of our portable showers. They are plastic works of art. Modern movable homages to cleanliness and godliness. We could go on but we’re sure you get the point.

Portable showers are worth their weight in gold if you’re renovating, building, camping or working on a dirty job site. They’re available for short or long term hire and all you need to do is connect them up to your garden hose and their heating systems will ensure that you’re sudsing up in steaming comfort with the flick of a switch. We deliver our cubicles of cleanliness anywhere in our service area, which is most of South East Queensland.

We have travelled around the virtual world to serve you up these 10 very good reasons to hire a shower.

Ramen noodle bath

Ramen Noodle Bath

Source: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=weirdest+baths&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU9umw4efTAhUDxrwKHbWtBFkQsAQIIQ&biw=1366&bih=599#imgrc=Y6_KiMO3WsAxUM:&spf=1494502970045

This ramen noodle family bath in Japan is certainly one of the weirder bathing rituals we’ve seen. If your bathroom renovation goes on for so long that you’re forced to bathe together as family in a giant bowl of ramen, you really should consider hiring a shower until things are sorted out.

Portable bathing system for exhibitionists

Portable Baths

Source:  https://www.autoevolution.com/news/two-baths-a-toilet-and-a-1965-corvette-engine-combine-into-weirdest-ebay-find-ever-92128.html

We don’t recommend our competitors’ portable bathing systems like this 1965 Corvette with two baths and a toilet, for several reasons. The first and most important one is that you’ll probably be arrested. Our portable showers are much nicer, way more convenient and far more comfortable.

Coffee bath

Coffee Bath

Source: http://inventorspot.com/articles/japanese_spa_offers_coffee_tea_s_7380

We can think of better ways to get our daily caffeine fix than a coffee bath. Coffee breath meets coffee BO, not nice. There are far better ways to attend to personal cleanliness – like our portable showers.

Bath tub soap box

Bath Tub Soap Box

Source: http://dailygeekshow.com/24-voitures-inhabituelles-et-dejantees-qui-ne-passent-pas-inapercues/

Another portable bathing system developed by one of our competitors. If you feel that attending to your morning ablutions while stuck in traffic on your way to work sounds like a good idea, you might want to check out this nifty little function on your phone called an alarm clock. Besides, baths are gross, you’re just sitting around in your own sweat and dirt. Hire a shower instead.

Volcano bath

Volcano Bath

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2014/jan/17/spas-weird-baths-around-the-world-beer

If you do visit this rejuvenating volcanic mud bath at Cartagena on the Caribbean coast, you better hope they also have a portable shower on site or the trip home is going to chafe badly.

Red wine bath

Red Wine Bath

Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/ten-super-strange-spa-treatments.html

Great idea in theory but like our coffee, we prefer our red wine by the glass rather than the bath. Whilst this red wine bath might work well as a hangover cure, the general idea behind bath’s and showers is that they’re meant to help you de-funk, not make you smell like a pub carpet. If you’re camping or renovating and thinking that your only option to get clean is a red wine bath, hire a shower instead.

Skip bin shower

Skip Bin Shower

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3346153/The-world-s-weirdest-homes-dumpster-concrete-huge-giant-beagle.html

Portable shower hire really isn’t that expensive that you need to resort to DIY versions like this one, which we found on Pinterest. The novelty will wear off pretty quickly compared to our plug and play portable showers.

Renovators dream shower

Renovators Shower

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thrillist/5-gross-things-in-your-sh_b_8523284.html

If your brand new pad comes with a bathroom like this renovator’s delight, contact us ASAP to organise your portable shower hire. We do great rates for long term hire.

The farm yard bath

Farm Yard Bath

Source: http://boredbug.com/15-weird-and-ridiculous-laws-from-around-the-world/

Awwww, how cute we hear you saying. Repeat after us, baths are gross. Bathing with your pet donkey is even grosser. Call us and hire a shower instead.

Baby spa

Baby Spa

Source: http://veriy.com/people-are-going-crazy-over-these-baby-spa-pictures/

Now this one really is cute and we’ve included it to help drive the image of the renovator’s delight shower from your mind. Our portable showers are pretty amazing but they simply can’t compete with this baby spa for sheer cuteness.

Hire a shower in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast or Ipswich

Dinkum Dunnies have been keeping Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich clean and hygienic with portable showers since 1985. Our showers are effective, affordable and they’re set up and running in a jiffy. If you need shower hire, speak to us first. Contact us on 07 5495 5733.